Black women | Self esteem | self-love

Dear Black Women

April Scott

August 6, 2020

Dear Black Women,

Loving yourself is a revolutionary act.
Celebrating yourself is a revolutionary act.
Being confident and outspoken in a world that says you’re too loud is a revolutionary act.

Everything we love and celebrate people have found a way to denigrate it. They called our braids and adorned nails ghetto. Now it’s high fashion. They called our bodies and lips grotesque. Now people are paying for them.

There is a billion-dollar industry predicated on you hating yourself. If they can convince you to hate your body, your skin, your hair, they can sell you the product to make it all better.

Love your body, whether fat, skinny, or in between.
Love your skin, whether light, dark, scarred, or wrinkled.

Do not be ashamed of being the best or the brightest. Your confidence will scare others and make them find things to pick apart. Be confident anyway. Do not let others’ insecurities and self-hate stop you from being who God called you to be.

You were not put on this earth to be mediocre. Love yourself loudly and proudly.